Kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana mengkonfigurasi phpCAS client pada Codeigniter 2.1.3. Caranya mudah kok untuk konfigurasi phpCAS ini. hehe.. Let's cekibrot bro
- Pertama download dulu phpCAS yang ada pada resourcenya sono. hehe.. nihh phpCAS.
- Setelah itu Ekstrak file tersebut masukkan ke application/libraries/.
- Buat file yang bernama Cas.php pada direktori application/config/ dengan memasukkan kode berikut<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
$config['cas_server_url'] = 'https://servercas.com/cas';
$config['phpcas_path'] = 'CAS-1.3.2/';
$config['cas_debug'] = TRUE;
$config['cas_disable_server_validation'] = TRUE;Untuk konfigurasi server CAS nya sendiri dapat dilihat pada postingan saya sebelumnya di sini Konfigurasi CAS SERVER
- Buat library file Cas.php pada direktori application/libraries/ dengan memasukkan kode berikut :<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
function cas_show_config_error(){
show_error("CAS authentication is not properly configured.<br /><br />
Please, check your configuration for the following file:
The minimum configuration requires:
<li><em>cas_server_url</em>: the <strong>URL</strong> of your CAS server</li>
<li><em>phpcas_path</em>: path to a installation of
<a href=\"https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASC/phpCAS\">phpCAS library</a></li>
<li>and one of <em>cas_disable_server_validation</em> and <em>cas_ca_cert_file</em>.</li>
class Cas {
public function __construct(){
if (!function_exists('curl_init')){
show_error('<strong>ERROR:</strong> You need to install the PHP module <strong>curl</strong>
to be able to use CAS authentication.');
$CI =& get_instance();
$this->CI = $CI;
$this->phpcas_path = $CI->config->item('phpcas_path');
$this->cas_server_url = $CI->config->item('cas_server_url');
if (empty($this->phpcas_path)
or filter_var($this->cas_server_url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === FALSE) {
$cas_lib_file = $this->phpcas_path . '/CAS.php';
if (!file_exists($cas_lib_file)){
show_error("Could not find file: <code>" . $cas_lib_file. "</code>");
require_once $cas_lib_file;
if ($CI->config->item('cas_debug')) {
// init CAS client
$defaults = array('path' => '', 'port' => 443);
$cas_url = array_merge($defaults, parse_url($this->cas_server_url));
phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0, $cas_url['host'],
$cas_url['port'], $cas_url['path']);
// configures SSL behavior
if ($CI->config->item('cas_disable_server_validation')){
} else {
$ca_cert_file = $CI->config->item('cas_server_ca_cert');
if (empty($ca_cert_file)) {
* Trigger CAS authentication if user is not yet authenticated.
public function force_auth()
* Return an object with userlogin and attributes.
* Shows aerror if called before authentication.
public function user()
if (phpCAS::isAuthenticated()) {
$userlogin = phpCAS::getUser();
$attributes = phpCAS::getAttributes();
echo "has attributes? ";
return (object) array('userlogin' => $userlogin,
'attributes' => $attributes);
} else {
show_error("User was not authenticated yet.");
* Logout and redirect to the main site URL,
* or to the URL passed as argument
public function logout($url = '')
if (empty($url)) {
$url = base_url();
} - Untuk mencobanya masukkan fungsi berikut ini pada controller :
function index() {
$user = $this->cas->user();
echo "Hello, $user->userlogin!";
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